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Loreto Senior Primary Crumlin Rd, Crumlin, Dublin
Loreto Senior Primary Crumlin Rd, Crumlin, Dublin quote

Student Council Achievements 2022-2023

23rd May 2023

Our Student Council has had a very busy year in Loreto Senior Primary School in Crumlin. We feature quite often on our Twitter page. (@LoretoSPCrumlin) Our Student Council consists of 25 representatives including deputy representatives to help out too.   We met to discuss all of our achievements and I think we were suprised at how much we have achieved this year!

  • Divided up our roles and responsibilities well so everyone has a part to play. (Folders and notebooks for notes/suggestions) 
  • Introduced ourselves on our Student Council Board in the foyer with photos and information.
  • Encouraged our classes to make the Christmas Shoe boxes for Team Hope Appeal at Christmas. We sent over 60 boxes off to vulnerable children.
  • Organised the Christmas Jumper Day Fundraiser for our school.
  • Enjoyed the Loreto Student Council Training Day together with other Loreto schools on zoom.
  • Updated the ‘Cad atá ar siúl’ Board in our foyer with samples of work from our classes.
  • Organised and led a Valentines Day Bake Sale as a fundraiser for our school. We raised over €700.
  • Judged the Halloweeen, Christmas and Easter Art Competitions in all classes and announced the winners at our End of Term Awards Ceremonies. 
  • Helped with the Cluiche Biongo during Seachtaine na Gaeilge for the whole school on zoom.
  • Assisted Mr.Timmons with the distribution of Food Dudes programme.
  • Surveyed our classes about a possible uniform change from our white polo shirts to red polo shirts.It is agreed that the majority of our school chose the red polo tshirts for our tracksuit.
  • We will finish the year with 'a big clean' around the school as our caretaker Jack needs some help.

Ongoing activities....

  • Help our secretary in the office to give out notes to our classes whenever is needed.
  • Read the 'Thought of the Day' at our whole school weekly assembly on zoom.
  • Help plan any upcoming events and give ideas. We are currently working on our Activity Week preparations.

We have had a lot of fun so far this year and are excited about our end of year tea party and lunch in June